
Gas Tank Fill-up 3

Bought 14.712 gallons of gas at Holiday @ $3.39 a gallon. Cost $50.01.

Previous tank had 274.5 miles on it with an average of 18.65 mpg.

Posted by: James at 01:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Sunday Sunday Sunday

Changed out 3.3 gallons of water.

All fish accounted for.

Posted by: James at 12:28 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The weekend... again

As noted in previous entry, lost the Lyretail Swordtail Black & Orange Molly this week. We decided to not replace her at this time.

Earlier this week, in fact not too long after losing the Molly, found the tank filter clogged. I looked and we had run out of filters. Finally went to the store on this dreary, rainy afternoon and picked up a box of 6. So, replaced that.

Replaced 3 and two thirds gallons of water.

Note: These are the fish that are left.

1 Female Red Molly
1 Female Orange Creamsicle Lyretail Molly
1 Long-finned Gold Danio
1 Long-finned Zebra Danio
1 Neon Red Glofish Danio
1 Neon Green Glofish Danio
2 Female Gold Barbs
1 Silver-Blue Male Lyretail Swordtail
1 Chinese Algea Eater

Posted by: James at 02:27 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Uncanny powers of deduction...

The Lyretail Swordtail Black & Orange Molly took its last breath about 40 or so minutes ago. I flushed it down the toilet 10-15 minutes later. We'll replace it this weekend.

Posted by: James at 11:55 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Lose one, gain one

After closer inspection, we found that we'd lost the Zebra Danio a while ago. With that, we went and got a Long-finned Zebra Danio who seems to be doing fine in the tank for now.

Took 8 gallons of water out and removed everything to clean the rock strata. Put back a few plants, a couple grasses, the idol structure & put in the treasure chest.

Currently we're worried about the Lyretail Swordtail Black & Orange Molly. It has not consumed anything in a few days and recent has been seen hanging around the heater and the surface of the tank at the back.
We may be replacing another fish soon if this fish doesn't eat soon.

Posted by: James at 06:23 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Gas Tank Fill-up 2

Bought 15.218 gallons of gas at Holiday @ $3.49 a gallon. Cost $53.25.

Got 253 miles or so on previous tank with 16.7 mpg.

Posted by: James at 01:46 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Fish are fine.

Replaced 5 gallons before the motor on the old water pump died. Bought new one.

Replaced tank filter.

Posted by: James at 10:13 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Everything fine.

Changed out 5 gallons of water while also grabbing some dirt from the gravel strata.

All fish accounted for


Posted by: James at 10:25 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Status Quo

Changed 3 gallons of water.

All fish accounted for.

Changed tank filter.


Posted by: James at 05:01 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Gas Tank Fill-Up 1

Paid $50 for just over 14.4 gallons at 1:45am July 29th, 2008 at SuperAmerica on County Road D & Old Highway 8.

Got 258 miles off previous tank of gas.

Posted by: James at 01:06 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Guess I needed to get past the Extreme Day hump.

Did much better this afternoon at the track. Had GFâ„¢'s mother along with us, so a good time was had by all.

Results below the jump.


Posted by: James at 09:51 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Water change just before work.

Did water change and replaced 3 and a third gallons of water.

Fish appear to be fine.

Posted by: James at 04:06 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Extreme Race Day

Went to Canterbury's Extreme Race Day this afternoon.

Since most of these races weren't normal, I'm not going to type it up as I normally would.

Everything below the fold.


Posted by: James at 08:50 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Tank filter replaced.

Note: Keep track how often tank filter is replaced. May need to either return one fish or obtain bigger tank filter.

Posted by: James at 01:02 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Day 2 of a Horrible Stretch

Went this afternoon after having received a Mystery Mutuel from Canterbury Park stating that it could be worth from $2 to $50 in free bets. Turns out it was only $2. Didn't help much except to cushion my fall on yet another loser afternoon at the races.


Posted by: James at 08:45 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Night 1 of A Horrible Stretch

Last night wasn't lucky for me either.

Perhaps I'm only good early on, like May only.


Posted by: James at 08:36 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Fish can be beautiful and annoying at the same time.

Stopped by PetCo this afternoon for new fish. Picked up 3 new ones after finding the two from last Sunday and the latest Plecostmus floating around or under decorations.

Acquired a Silver-Blue Male Lyretail Swordtail, an Orange-Black Female Lyretail Swordtail and a Chinese Algae Eater.

Did an almost-complete water change of 6 gallons, replaced the tank filter, vacuumed the rock strata a good bit and scrapped off the algea from the sides of the tank. Also moved the decorations around.


Posted by: James at 07:18 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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WTF is up with the Plecostmus?

Came home tonight to find our latest Plecostmus, dead at the top of the tank, attached to the side. Tried tapping and even nudging it with a net to get a response. Dead as a doornail.

I have noticed that the algea has really started to creep up the sides to the top as of late. I don't know what to make of it as I am not home when the sun shines on the only window in the room where we keep the fish tank.

Posted by: James at 12:57 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Everything changed & done

Came home from the cabin and everyone appears fine.

Went to the store and picked up a Female Silver Molly & a Male Dalmatian Lyretail Molly. We'll see how they and the others survive.

Replaced 3 gallons of water and the tank filter due to using the Ick treatment.


Posted by: James at 06:10 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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WTF is going on?

Come home from work and I find a note from GFâ„¢. Says that the Swordtail has Ick. I look in the tank and I find that the Silver Molly has died as well. What the fuck is going on that we're in the middle of a fucking epidemic.

Too tired right now. Will probably do water change Sunday.

Happy 4th of July. [blows noisemaker and sets off fireworks]


Posted by: James at 12:56 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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What a way to start a b-day on

Come home from work and found the Plecostmus dead, floating at the top of the tank. WTF is going on. A thought would be that we have to start the tank over, but where would we put the fish in the mean time? Stress'd probably kill'em as well.


Posted by: James at 01:03 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Geez, we can't leave them alone for 36 hours...

Went up to the cabin yesterday. Came back this afternoon to find three fish dead. The Red Senset Sailfin Molly, the Blue Dalmation Platy, and the Mickey Mouse Platy.


Damn. Damn.


Posted by: James at 05:58 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Replace 2 & Lose 2 Again.

Found the Plecostmus frozen with all fins out at the bottom of the tank by the heater.

We fished it out and left for the pet store for a new Common Plecostmus. Came home and GFâ„¢ saw the Long-finned Leopard Danio floating around. It was dead. Weird thing was, it died while we were gone, not even an hour or so. So, after a quick water change, we left again to replace that fish. The Zebra Danio we replaced it with seems to be doing just fine so far.


Posted by: James at 10:25 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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New fish join us

Just got back from PetCo with two new fish, a Long-Finned Leopard Danio & a Red Sunset Sailfin Molly. They have joined our family after I did the weekly water change.

Let us hope they survive.


Posted by: James at 09:56 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Bad night

Horrible night last night. After the first race, things didn't go my way at all.


Posted by: James at 09:31 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Replace 2, Lose 2 or RIP female Pineapple Swordtail Molly

GFâ„¢ found the remains of the Red Wag 4 days ago and just found the one we called Momma, the female Pineapple Swordtail Molly, floating at the top of the tank yesterday. She lasted well over 6 months with us. Damn shame to lose her.

Posted by: James at 03:45 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Fish aren't known for their intelligence...

This afternoon, we went and acquired two new fish to add to our collection. Another Red Wag Platy & an orange Molly.

Changed out just over 3 gallons of water today.

Other than the new additions, everyone seems to be doing fine.

Posted by: James at 10:40 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Haven't been paying attention.

Just found remains of what we think are the Gold Twinbar Platy last night. Going over an old listing, we're also missing the Red Wag Platy. Damn. Have not been paying enough attention as of late.

Tomorrow will possibly get new fish.

Posted by: James at 02:09 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Cleaned, changed & everyone is fine

Changed 6 gallons of water today after skipping last week due to being at the cabin.

While the water level was down, I did as best of a clean job as I could and rearranged the decorations around. Didn't have to, but since I needed to clean the rock strata, I figured, what the hell.


Posted by: James at 09:57 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Monsoon Season starts

We went again last night. Got there a little late and had to sit through the closest thing to a monsoon that I've ever been in for a few minutes. Turned the track from a dry, fast track, into a mud pit. Normally they rake the dirt between races, after the rain they were using giant squeegees to squeze the water from the track. The condition listed was sloppy all night long after the monsoon came through. We did get to view an almost complete rainbow from our seats. Saw both ends from our vantage point. Even saw a faint double rainbow off one side. Wish I'd had a camera with me to photograph that. A few horses were scratched in later races after that for obvious reasons. I would've hated to have been out in that torrential downpour when it hit.

Another good night, otherwise, for myself. Results for myself and GFâ„¢ below the break.


Posted by: James at 01:55 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Changed & Cleaned H2O

Changed out 3.33 gallons of water.

Used the vacuum and a baby sock to clean a little of the rock strata. Did so until water was too cloudy. Sock really dirty. Had them black in the past, though. To do a complete cleaning of rock, will need to remove decor and take water level down to about half. Will have to consider doing so soon..

Replaced water filter with our final one. Estimate August is when a new water filtration system will be needed. Or start ordering from Aquarium Pharmacueticals through their retailers.


Posted by: James at 03:36 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Opening Day & First Friday of Horse Racing Season

We went on Opening Day with GFâ„¢'s mother and, as metioned before, sat in the single seats on the Mezzanine Level, as they call it. It's the 2nd level.

Don't remember how I did off-hand, but I think we had a good day of it.

They have new fancy betting machines there which can take any new version of currency. Much sleeker than their older machines, which I think they are phasing out.


Posted by: James at 01:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Delay or things just fine

Haven't posted in a couple weeks. Things're just fine. Work issues.

Changed the tank water twice. 3 gallons and 4 gallons each respectively. Replaced tank filter during second water change.

Fish appear just fine. One seems to be pregnant yet again, but we know these fish can have up to 5 litters or whatever the term is, from one impregnantion.

Posted by: James at 08:39 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Water & Filter change

Changed 4.5 gallons of water.

Tank filter changed. Didn't have filter for temp filter, so will have to forgo cleaning for now.

All fish appear to be fine.

Posted by: James at 12:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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2007-2008 Bowling Season Stats & Wrap-Up

The 2007-2008 bowling season for us is officially over as next week live horse racing will start at Canterbury Park and I'll be covering the wagering losses, wins and any highlights in that respective catergory.

.............Season Record

Total games bowled: 109

Season Average:
James avg: 83.4
Lisa avg: 92.73

Weekly averages below the jump.

Highlights from this season
The highest score for the season came in Game 1 of Week 9 and was scored by James: 153
The lowest score for the season came the week prior in Game 4 of Week 8 and was also scored by James: 59

James got a Turkey in Game 2 of Week 9.


Posted by: James at 05:59 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Dilemma Updated & solved

GFâ„¢ "hinted" that I should take the Celestica position and so I did, mainly to avoid arguing with her.

Been there a week in what's called Packout where I prepare all the boards they send out for Shipping. Working on 2nd shift as well, 3:30pm to 1:30am.

This coming Monday I'm going in for a Soldering class. I took the test a week ago this past Friday and soldered everthing but a large, square, many pinned chip which I was only able to tack down before time ran out. Officially I guess I failed, but given that I haven't touched a soldering iron since last July, I say I did pretty darn good.
The class will be during the day, 7am to 3pm, and I have the option to work late if I so wish. Would be overtime, of course. I'll have to think about it.

Posted by: James at 05:11 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Everything is going just great

Ended up changing out 4 gallons of water.

All fish appear to be fine.

Have to remember next week to swap out filters so I can clean this one.
Also debating whether to move around decor as well.

Posted by: James at 09:08 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Posted by: James at 04:10 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Well, the highlight for the day was seeing a pigeon inside on the Clubhouse level. Got within a foot or two while trying to get it and release it outdoors. It escaped up to the speakers in the ceiling. While looking up there I saw evidence of previous birds coming in all over the speakers. We lost track of it after a while.


Posted by: James at 09:43 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 98 words, total size 1 kb.

3 gallons or everything is just fine

Changed out 3 gallons of water.

Fish are looking just fine.

All are accounted for.

Posted by: James at 05:46 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 22 words, total size 1 kb.

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